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Cara membuat font effect neon dengan photoshop

By  Muda-Mudi Manunggal Tegalan     1/04/2012    Labels: 

Effect neon on Photoshop

Neon effect on Photoshop
One effect that I find most interesting and good results is the effect of neon, so the way I like this effect so I decided to do a tutorial, a tutorial is pretty fast to make and easy to learn and you get a great result.
For me to start doing this tutorial I first thought about putting a background image, then sought the sxc site, which is a site well known for offering free photos for any use. Here is the link of the image Download Image the image I chose for the background was this.
First let's start with the image of the grid that download;
Effect neon on Photoshop
We will reduce the saturation of the same, go to Image > Adjustments > Hue / saturation ...
And put the value of saturation from "-61", will be more or less so;
Effect neon on Photoshop
Now the layer where the image is going to add a mask. To add you go to Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal all. After that he appeared to mask the side of the layer, select it, as in the image;
Effect neon on Photoshop
Now go to Filters> Render> Clouds will be something like this, there will also not be like my filter because it is random, you can go apply it more than once until you reach a satisfactory result;
Effect neon on Photoshop
After this we will create another new blank layer upon layer of the grid, fill it black, add a mask layer> Layer Mask> Reveal All, looks like this;
Effect neon on Photoshop
Once select the mask, use a normal Brushe to paint in the middle layer, in my case I used a brush "in black (need to) 600px size, and hardness at 0%", use the Brushe right in the middle layer, I think two clicks is enough, but you can use the way it gets better for you, be so;
Effect neon on Photoshop
Now let's find a font that best fits with neon, the font that I found and look good is neuropol, there is the link for you download. Download Font Neon this site is of free fonts you can find many good fonts and that certainly will help you in some of their work.
Effect neon on Photoshop
After you have installed the font, type neon in lower case (in my case I left the font size of 425 pt), but instead you write ncon neon type, you'll know why .
Effect neon on Photoshop
After that, convert your text in bitmap (right above the text layer, and then click Rasterize Layer);
After this layer on the text will create a simple bar in the middle of the letter c so that it is equal to the letter e.
Effect neon on Photoshop
Once created, hold CTRL and click the left button on the layer that is the word to make a selection.
Effect neon on Photoshop
Follow the path below and place a value on that selection to contract about 50% of the selection;
Effect neon on Photoshop
Effect neon on Photoshop
This done in the same layer of the text, press (CTRL + J) to duplicate and after delete the old layer of the text, we now use the layer we have just doubled.
Effect neon on Photoshop
Double-click the text layer in the Layer Style menu settings let;
Effect neon on Photoshop
Now create a new layer and apply a gradient fill or color that you feel better ...
Effect neon on Photoshop
Apply this layer the Blending Mode to Color;
Effect neon on Photoshop
It will be something like this...
Effect neon on Photoshop
After this, delete the parts that where the color will not use rubber or mask
Effect neon on Photoshop
Final result;

Effect neon on Photoshop


For you who wants to stay with just one color, is easier, you just put color on the Layer Style and leave the options below...
Effect neon on Photoshop


Effect neon on Photoshop

About Muda-Mudi Manunggal Tegalan

Salam kenal, Saya Catur Prasetyo Utomo, biasa dipanggil "PrasetyoDesign" Penulis dan pengelolah Blog tutorial desain grafis "Belajar Graffiti, Photoshop, Coreldraw". Blog ini menyajikan berbagai tutorial tentang Desain Grafis. Tutorial ini ditulis hanya bertujuan untuk referensi dan latihan yang praktis dengan menggunakan aplikasi Photoshop, CorelDraw dan aplikasi desain lain. Jika anda menganggap tutorial pada Blog ini bermanfaat, bagikan pada teman-teman yang lain, tutorial ini gratis untuk anda semua. Saya ucapkan terima kasih. Salam Desainer! Prasetyo Design

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